I am SO grateful.
I know that everything that happens to me, happens for me.
Recently, (before the re-diagnosis of cancer) I purchased an oracle called The Lightworker Oracle.
This timely purchase at Sanctuary Imports (a beautiful store here in Charlotte) was in fact serendipitous. Each day, the card I pull is relevant and poignant. And each day, I am blown away by the generosity of spirit that has come to me in so many ways.
Today, I’ll share the concept and invocation of the card I pulled today, called The Family of Light. This is the family I am part of ….and it includes YOU.
CONCEPT: I am learning that there are no limits on love unless I put them there.
I have my biological family and my family of light. Fortunately, in many cases, they are one in the same…but I have come to know many people…from various backgrounds, who I now realize, are my family.
Whoever happens to me, happens for me.
See “us” & “them” is learned…sometimes separating ourselves from family members, or those outside of our race, religion, or sexual orientation.
The more subtle “them’s”…are those who don’t agree with us, have different levels of education, different belief systems or we choose to feel a “victim of”.
Whoever happens to me, happens for me.
I am not a victim of circumstance…and neither are you.
We are empowered souls, learning and discovering “family” in expansive ways.
Whoever happens to me, happens for me.
Speaking for myself, I am here to be part of the human family …joined by more than blood… or law.
Whoever happens to me, happens for me.
Through the power of my heart, I am learning to both give and receive love.
Whoever happens to me, happens for me.
My recent cancer diagnosis invited me to explore the power in vulnerability.
Whatever I was afraid of people “discovering” about me (that I am human) – is in fact the opposite….it is my Super Power.
Whatever happens to me, happens for me.
Read the following. If it resonates…read aloud and sit with it:
I choose, by my own free will, to receive all assistance from unconditional love so I can peacefully process any unresolved, hurt, abandonment, judgment or betrayal.
I’ve learned how to love more unconditionally, through my experiences. I’ve learned that love allows all beings to freely choose how they wish to live.
I wish to live with openness, love and connection, in spirit and in the flesh, with those who can accept my love and love me too. Through divine grace I ask for assistance in attracting my soul tribe and family of light, heavenly and human, that I may experience belonging and conscious community, sharing my light and love with others. Through unconditional love, may all beings feel the blessings of true family, of deep abiding divine love.
So be it.