At midnight, Thursday, August 24th, your opportunity to access Hands-On Hoodoo for only $97 – and save $500 will expire.
Here is where you can sign up and get access (reminder: the promo code is 500OFF).
Yesterday, I said I would share my favorite lesson, so here it is – Lesson 7 on Conjuring your kin. It gives you the skinny on how to work with your ancestors. It is also a very popular topic for Curio, Craft & Conjure clients. In lesson 7, I share practical tips on working with ancestors and deceased loved ones. Tip: NO ONE will be able to get more insight, information, and support from your ancestors than you. (The other lessons are great too!)
I was just a little girl when my grandfather passed away, but I remember him smelling like a combination of Florida Water and Hoyts Cologne. It is always a pleasant surprise when he “crosses my path.” I will share some very effective insight I received from him in a dream around the time I was applying for a loan.
In my dream, my grandfather stood in my kitchen, blending five oils together. Each oil was clearly labeled. They were:
- bay laurel
- frankincense
- sandalwood
- myrrh
- Jojoba oil
He shook up the mixture, gave it to me and told me to rub it on the bottom of my feet before going to bed and again in the morning before going to the bank.
When I woke up, I checked to see if I had all the ingredients (which I did), so I created the mixture. Before going to bed that night, I took a spiritual bath (always “clear” before you “call”) and rubbed the mixture on the bottom of my feet. In the morning, before going to the bank, I rubbed more oil on my feet, went to the bank, and got the loan!
Review the lessons below. Which lessons are you most curious about?
Lesson 1: The mystery, history, and culture of conjure.
Lesson 2: The Magick of High John the Conquer Root
Lesson 3: The prequel to Magick: *Divination*
Lesson 4: The 12 Primary Powers of Hoodoo. Learn how to create 6 oils and 2 powders for your ritual.
Lesson 5: The Power of Earth and how to use various types of dirt in your rituals.
Lesson 6: The Power of Powder: Discover how to create your own powerful powders.
Lesson 7: Conjuring Your Kin: Learn how to call in your support.
Lesson 8: Your Ancestor Altar: Create an altar dedicated to your ancestors.
Don’t forget to consider the BONUS: Sign up TODAY and receive a FREE guide on Magickal Waters – why you want them, where to get them, and how they work! Hands-on Hoodoo invites you to explore, experiment, and create rituals to influence the changes you want to see in your life.
Conjure includes rituals and practices from a variety of cultures. Ultimately – you will choose what works for you because, in the end, Magick is personal.
This $597 value is only $97 for 1 more day! Tomorrow, I’ll share one of my favorite spells. I call it the “Bitch Betta Have My Money” spell. If anyone owes you money, you definitely want to take note of this one.
Until tomorrow!