So, about a month ago, I had the final breast reconstruction surgery in my long healing process that started back in June 2017.
I didn’t make it a big public deal, I thought it would be a quick-easy–peasy kinda thing.
But it wasn’t.
Now, my guidance knew I was in for a ride, and informed me to keep my process on the down-low. The liposuction that was part of my process would poke holes in my auric field and I would not only be vulnerable but those around me would likely “get slimed”.
Anyhoo – Surgery was on Monday December 4th, and by Friday December 8th, I actually felt pretty good…but on Saturday the 9th I was a basket case…high fever, body aches, headache, and it hurt to see.
I laid in bed for 3 days with my eyes closed (because it hurt to see!) – sitting with my thoughts between naps. I could not read or watch Netflix. Everything tasted and smelled funny. I could eat nothing but oranges. AND – on top of all of THAT I had to wear a tight-ass friggen girdle – (which btw – looked like some weird kinda “porno-girdle” because it was open from crotch to anus.) I was a mess!
After determining my symptoms were NOT side effects from surgery, I just succumbed to it.
And THAT was when the shit-show started.
I fell into an abyss of red-hot anger. I laid there thinking about events long behind me (that I “knew” I was completely through with – but there they were. Again.) And as I laid there, feeling abandoned, I literally plotted the demise of my “target.”
When I “snapped out of it” – the flu and the psycho-drama, I asked my Guidance “what the hell was THAT???”
I was directed to go back to the first time I felt “abandonment” and was surprised to find myself at about 5 years old. I thought I had moved past this particular healing opportunity, but evidently, vestiges, crumbs and final bits were spotlighted for healing. Clean-Up in Isle 5!
I shared this story with 2 friends (who don’t know each other), and each had very similar epiphanies.
The Moral:
The stuff that is coming up for review now is meant to be cleared. I took advantage of the Solstice to do a little ritual around it, but the timing is still good if you are being triggered by old stuff.
Now is the time to do your shadow work. Don’t sweep your shit under the carpet. It’s time to shake it out.
The Uncomplicated Fire Ritual (Materials needed: Paper, pen, fireproof bowl or shell, white candle)
- Write down, on several pieces of paper, what you are ready to release. (I release my fear of…)
- Light a white candle and place it in your sacred space.
- Connect with all of the aspects of yourself that are reflected on your pieces of paper. Connect to your Spirit (bring your awareness to your heart) and ground.
- Invite the Divine, and any energies, elements, angels, spirit guides, ancestors who love you unconditionally – and who you desire to get support from.
- Face east, and review your pieces of paper, one by one, aloud, saying “I release my fear of X, etc.,” then set them each on fire.
- When done, thank the energies you invited, and release them. Bury the ashes from your pieces of paper in dirt, and place a rose quartz on top of the ashes. (This can be outside or a potted plant).
- Let it go. Let it go. Let it go.
If you like rituals, you may be interested in learning about my NEW Oracle Academy. It will feature several, low-cost classes on divination, rituals, magick and a host of other goodies. You can experience classes a-la-carte OR be a life-time member who has access to all classes when they are released.
Keep an eye out for more info on that. In the meantime….Let it go!
You Are Loved ~