2019 is JUST around the corner…
Before you know it, you’ll see ads for gym memberships and eating-plans so you can get healthy or lose weight for the New Year.
One of the things I suggest for your New Year is losing psychic weight.
I quote Carolyn Myss when I suggest: “Psychic weight, makes you wait”.
Being weighed down with the energy & history of “stuff” can block new opportunities.
Removing psychic weight helps speed up time, allowing you to operate in timelessness.
A few years ago, I “accidentally” stumbled across exactly how this works.
How to Lose Psychic weight
- Get intentional: What do you want? What do you want to clear energetically from yourself? Where in your home environment holds stuck energy?
- Have a Ritual Bath: This 3-part bath starts with a shower using Florida Water bar soap. Then, take a Bitter Herb Bath, speaking aloud what you want to release to the water. Finally, drain that water and have a Sweet Herb Bath, speaking aloud what you are calling into being. (Each of these are available on-line or at Curio, Craft & Conjure).
- Clear Clutter: Energetic free radicals cling to things and swirling around you, holding you back from all the things you desire. “Stuff” acts like an anchor, weighing you down.
If you are interested in clearing even MORE than your home, you can experience a deep chakra clearing with my 7 Day Energy Detox E-Kit!
It was powerful for me and can be a very powerful way to bring in the New Year.
The first thing to observe when you want to lose psychic weight is to start to observe and measure how you feel about:
- People in your life
- Your environment (each room!)
- What you are putting in your body.
This careful observation can reveal where you are being drained.
Needless to say, you will have to stop the bleeding.
And it can be absolutely friggin’ liberating!