Love is a powerful emotion. Love unites us, strengthens us and brings peace. When we are in love, the whole world magickally shifts. It is important to take love spells seriously. They are harmful when used for the wrong reason. (You never want to “make” someone fall in love with you…it is dangerous to bind someone to you who doesn’t want to be bound.)
I prefer to approach Love Spells in a way that magnetizes the perfect person to my clients.
This Simple Love Spell will help you release the obstacles keeping you from love while opening your heart chakra – so you can attract the perfect partner. More importantly, it can help you recognize the right person when they cross your path.
The success of a spell depends on your concentration and focus. You don’t want to be SO smitten with the idea of love that you settle for just any ‘ole person.
A Few Tips:
- The best day to work a Love spell is Friday (The day of Venus)
- A Friday that the moon is waxing is ideal to increase love.
- After doing this spell, treat yourself the way you want to be treated. No negative self-talk.
Many folks wait for love to show up at their doorstep, not thinking about what “love” even looks like to them. To find the perfect lover, think about what “perfect‟ means to you. This spell helps you do that.
- 1 sheet of paper
- Pen
- 3 red candles
- Your favorite fragrance
- Rose or Love incense
- Large fire-proof bowl
- Bitter Herb Bath
- Sweet Herb Bath
Step 1. After taking a shower, take 2 spiritual baths. In the first, use the “banishing” Bitter Herb Bath. As you sit in the tub, tell the water what you are ready to release. It could be memories of an old lover, fear, doubt, etc. Step out of the tub, releasing the dirty water. Draw another bath pouring the Sweet Herb Bath in it. Soak in this new bath, telling the water about the type of love you want to bring into your life.
Step 2. Step out of the tub, “whisking” yourself dry – wiping excess water with your hands. (NO TOWEL DRYING!) Wearing a clean robe, sit in front of your altar, meditating on how peaceful you feel, and how grateful you are in advance for the love you are attracting.
Step 3. Light the Love or Rose incense.
Step 4. Light the three red candles. (Chime candles can be used, but 7-day candles are optimal)
Step 5. Turn all the lights off, except the candles.
Step 6. Think about what Love means to you. Why do you want a relationship? What qualities in a partner do you like? What do you dislike? Think about the couples you know. What do you think a good relationship looks like? Why?
Step 7. As you find the reasons why you desire a successful relationship, write down the words or symbols that represent it. Define what Love would look like in your own terms down to day-to-day life. What are the most important ideals this person should have if they come into your life?
Step 8. Include the color of the eyes, hair, height, etc. of your perfect partner. The more specific you are, the easier it is for the Universe to find this person.
Step 9. When you are done, hold the paper in one hand and with the other hand squeeze a drop of your perfume on to the paper.
Step 10. Fold your Love List toward you, in two twice. Recite the following:
Fire destroy and Fire create
Let what I’ve written be my fate
Fly to the heavens, fiery bird
Bring back the one described by my word
So it is!
Step 11. Very carefully hold the paper to the fire. Let it burn while you move it into the large fireproof bowl. As it burns, feel, sense and imagine your perfect partner into your life.
Step 12. Express gratitude to the elements of water, fire, air & earth (Each element has been instrumental in supporting you. The “earth” element is the physical manifestation of the person you are calling into your life..)
Have fun with this one… I’ll be doing it with you! ;o)