Hey there!
Right about now, you may be asking yourself “What the heck does magick have to do with divination?”
The answer?
Often people call or come to Curio, Craft & Conjure with their hearts set on doing a ritual, spell or some kind of very specific “work”.
Oftentimes, they believe they have done their homework by watching a YouTube video or reading a book on the very topic they are approaching.
Here’s the thing: Just because someone has a YouTube video, a gazillion followers, wrote a book or even has a website it does not make them an “expert”. In fact, if these are your criteria, almost everyone these days could be considered “expert”.
I recently featured a post from someone who wrote “all about” the suit of “wands” in tarot (you can see this on my new GinaTheTarologist Instagram page). The thing is, this person (who has a website and is on Pinterest) featured an image of spades in regular playing cards. Tarot beginners may not know that spades are usually associated with the element of air/swords, not wands/fire.
Now hear this: I am not saying that EVERYONE out in the world, doing their thing is wrong. On the contrary – some of the least known people are the best at their craft.
Which brings me to my point: Divination is the prequel to any ritual, spell or “magick”.
It can help you determine:
- What to do: What type of ritual will yield the best results?
- Who will support you: What entities or energies are available for this work?
- What elements are best suited for this work? Earth, Air, Water, Fire or other?
- What type of ritual will best support you? Candle magick? Crystal Gridding? A Spiritual Bath?
- Is this work even required? Sometimes, patience is our best friend.
- The Unknown: What else should you know before starting?
For this reason, I ALWAYS suggest a preliminary reading before performing any type of magick, ritual or spell.
The best part of this is that you can do this yourself!
I am having a class on this very topic on Sunday, March 22th from 12:00 – 2:00 PM.
It’s called: Divination: The Prequel to Magick.
During this workshop you will:
- Learn how to determine if someone has cast a spell on you.
- Determine what type of ritual will yield the best results.
- Determine what entities or energies are available for this work.
- Learn how to determine which elements are best suited for this work: Earth, Air, Water, Fire or other?
- Understand What type of ritual will best support you.
- Easily learn how to determine if your ritual is required.
- Learn what else should you know before starting your ritual.
This 2-hour workshop is only $25. (Sorry! Space is limited to 20 participants – so sign up in advance!)
***Curio Family Members Attend FREE!