Hi there!
Summer is slowly shifting to Fall – my favorite season.
As word has spread about Curio, Craft & Conjure in our first year of business, I am seeing so many new faces…Yay!
Our newer clients ask a lot of questions, but the one I see behind their eyes, is the question they won’t fix their lips to ask: “Does this stuff really, REALLY work?”
So – This newsletter is dedicated to them – the folks not only new to Curio, Craft & Conjure but also “new” on their journey back to themselves and their own power.
Magick combines intention and balance. Intention is the conscious feeling you pour into any act. Universal energy offers cycles (like seasons, for example) that bring balance.
Often when we are looking for solutions, we just need to remember this very simple yet magickal fact, before moving into a ritual.
- If you desire more a new love, you must first clear the energetic “debris” from former loves.
- If you desire more money, you must pay your bills.
- If you want more clothes, clean out your closet.
In short – clearing energies make space for new energies to come in.
So – when we advise our customers at Curio, Craft & Conjure to follow up their Home Sage-Sessions with Sweet Grass, for example, we recognize that, because Sage is an energetic astringent and nature abhors a vacuum, it is advisable to intentionally call in what you desire to seal the deal.
Our new book Rituals, Spells & Magick ($20) is a journal that allows you to document your ritual so you can determine which ones are worthy of repeating. It includes space for moon phases (and other details) that support your brand of magick.
To be clear: What works for me one way, may be best for you another. Tracking your ceremonies support your future work.
This book will be on our shelves in 2 weeks, but you can preorder your copy here. Preorder to get a guide that features the best times to do specific types of rituals, including Wealth, Health, Love, Prosperity, Heightened Intuition, Courage & more!
Note: If you are local, pick up your copy to save on shipping. Preordering your copy will ensure you get yours first (we anticipate running out of our initial order quickly).
On another note – a few Healers & Intuitives have been letting me know they are looking to create their own businesses and need guidance.
The Enlightened Business Boot Camp is a ”retreat” featuring 2 days of support specifically for those who are looking to grow or supplement their incomes via intuitive, creative or healing work on November 9th & 10th. The investment is $147, and you will leave with your personal plan of action.
If you are interested in that, click here.