I just wanted to take a moment to share something I found helpful for me during this stressful time.
To be honest, I am so disconnected from the news that my children were the first folks I actually listened to regarding this pandemic.
When one of my sisters warned my family of the virus (we were all planning to meet next month in Massachusetts) – I thought she was over-reacting.
When a friend of mine who was executing an extremely large event called and asked for my thoughts about this world crisis – I realized maybe I should pay attention.
Fast forward, while she had to cancel her event (definitely more than 100 people would attend) I found myself shopping, hoarding, worrying, and getting ready for the end of the world.
While shopping, my daughter witnessed a fist-fight over a space in line. A SPACE IN LINE!
I suddenly felt like I was in an episode of The Walking Dead.
Here’s the thing… I am rarely afraid. I’ve had enough bullshit happen to me in my life that I don’t scare easy.
But guess what? I realized I was afraid. I found myself having the craziest thoughts!
Finally, I gave myself a Peace Infusion.
Fear and anxiety suppress our life force and personal power. We need our lifeforce to create a better life and make smart choices.
This Peace Infusion will help you (like it continues to help me). It will also ripple out into the world.
Start by breathing at a relaxed pace.
Set the intention to change feelings of anxiety or fear into feelings of managed concern.
- Imagine that you have your own personal stress meter, and you can clearly see where you are on a scale from 1 – 10.
- Imagine that you are breathing through your heart and that each breath calms your mind and balances your emotions with each breath.
- Continue breathing at your natural pace. Now – as you breathe, visualize a wash of calm and poise streaming into your crown, a pink liquid light – passing through to all of your cells. Keep this up until your stress meter is at zero.
- Finally, imagine radiating compassion and calm into the global energetic field to help reduce the fear. Imagine seeing calmer more compassionate people making smarter choices.
This practice can help transform fear and anxiety – so we have the lifeforce and personal power to create a better life.
I suggest starting each day with this 5-minute Peace Practice to help lift the energy field environment that surrounds you, your family and our planet.
Stay Safe & Healthy!!