Hey there!
I remember when I met Jessica, an intuitive who now travels around the world doing her work. She had just invested a shit-ton of money working with a coach. She couldn’t believe how investing so little in The Enlightened Business Bootcamp would yield such amazing results.
I must admit, I am very proud of myself for creating a life that has allowed me to work for myself for over 10 years. It hasn’t always been easy, but I have now gained a reputation which establishes me as an authority in my field – which is what being an entrepreneur is all about. My 12-year-old self couldn’t imagine doing exactly what I love – making a living! If this is something you would like to learn more about, check out The Enlightened Business Bootcamp – my 2 Day mastermind created specifically for Healers, Intuitives and Creatives. I have helped thousands of people move into a space of either supplementing their income or creating successful careers – and I can help you too!
This newsletter sequels last week’s Money Uncrossing Bath – which removes obstacles that keep you from abundance.
Egg baths are customary in many traditions. Feel free to tweak that bath for things other than abundance. For example, for blocks in love, you can substitute the green food coloring for pink, and the bay leaves for orange peels or rose petals.
This week you’ll learn how to take a Money Bath. Remember, magick is about balance, so you first create space (by removing obstacles) and then call in your desires.
We traditionally take a magickal bath before beginning rituals. The baths symbolize the cleansing and purifying of the body and spirit while aligning you with the energies of the task. Those of us in a hurry can douse with Florida Water, but I find the bath puts you in a more relaxed, magickal state.
Tip: This bath can be taken on a new moon cycle while working your money magick throughout the two weeks from new moon to full moon. For an extra boost, repeat the bath on the full moon, making a total of three baths.
What You’ll Need:
- Coins (Pre-bathe them in alcohol)
- Small jar of honey
Timing: During the New Moon Cycle
- Fill the tub with warm water and toss in three fistfuls of coins.
- Pour the entire contents honey in the bath. Bathing (or anointing) with honey is believed to make luck stick to you and life sweeter. Whatever is added to the honey (in this case, ca$h-ee$h!) will stick to you too.
- Get in the tub and soak for at least 10 minutes.
- Lift the coins in your hands and let them fall through your fingers, making the clinking sound as they fall into the water. (The sound is believed to attract spirits of luck and abundance).
- Extra Credit: Repeat during the Full Moon
Not all rituals are baths! The next ritual I’ll share will include stuff you concoct in your kitchen…Until Then!