Did you ever watch the movie “Under the Tuscan Sun?” It’s one of my favorite romantic comedies. Not only was the acting perfect, but the story was so relevant to all of us. I haven’t seen the movie since it first came out in 2003, but I recall that the main character, Diane Lane, …
Bring in the Blessings!
Happy Sunday! It is hard to believe we are wrapping up another year. Not only has the year flown by, but many things in all our lives have shifted. Think back to this time last year. What has shifted for you? In my life, I see both the good shifts and the “other” shifts, but I wouldn’t …
This Just In…
This has been a very crappy year for a lot of us. (I thought we left that all behind last year?? WTF?) I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with the amount of sudden death and tragedies that have come into my sphere of observation. In addition to two local Spiritual community members facing sudden …