One of the foundational techniques I teach my students is how to connect (or merge) with someone else. This technique allows them to gain perspective in situations they would need to negotiate or gain deeper insight into situations – including readings. Exposure to any energy can sometimes …
Energy Laws
Cops aren’t the only ones who can break the law – you can too… Energy Laws that is. When people come into Curio, Craft & Conjure to create magick of their own, we are fond of providing the crib notes version of how magick actually works. The reality is that we are all …
The seed may have been planted with bush fires in Australia. It caused so much damage, wildlife was hurting and it also affected people’s ability to breathe. Then Covid-19, the respiratory virus that was/is killing people. The masks we are encouraged to wear now, obstruct breathing and are …
The Magick in the 3 Surrenders
I don’t know about you, but throughout my life, I believed that my soul’s to-do list was “finite” and that I would become a “finished product” (Healthy. Rich. Loved. Smart.) The reality is that my “to do list” is an endless journey of personal growth and discovery. The more I discover (and the …