We are not alone.
We often feel like we are… in relationships, or even in a room crowded with people.
But we’re not.
When I intuitively “tap into” people, I sense who’s around them. Very often, I sense:
- Angels
- Ancestors
- Spirit Guides
- Ascended Masters
- Other-worldly beings.
And we all have them.
Here’s the thing: Even when you know this “stuff”, it’s easy to forget when you’re on a downward spiral, getting bills you can’t pay, dealing with a broken relationship, or walking some other emotional tight-rope…you know… “real life stuff”.
We all forget that we can ask for help when we are dealing with challenges and our soul’s yearnings.
But here’s another thing…the lessons found in what seems to be mundane accomplishments, are actually pretty profound and part of the “big picture” stuff.
They often remind us that:
- Our learning is endless – and builds upon previous lessons
- Our worth is endless.
- Our ability to empower ourselves is endless.
- Our support may be visible and/or invisible
- Our existence is endless.
So, when it comes to asking for help, we can petition the visible and the invisible.
(We go into the Levels of Reality in The Visionary. It is fascinating stuff!)
Ok, some of you might be saying: “Are you friggin kidding me? Are we going “there”?
The answer is “Hell Yeah.”
Even though our noses are in our line of vision, our brain has decided it is not important to see.
What else has it decided is “not important”?
Quantum physicists believe that we (as humans) only take in about 4% of reality. Quantum physicists also know that energy changes form upon observation. That said, just by observing or believing in the invisible (like dead Uncle Ted), makes him more real and allows him to assist.
So for this week, I invite you on a journey of discovery. Who do you connect with? Better yet, who do you want support from? A revered ancestor? Archangel Gabriel? Ascended Master Metatron?
Or is it the Spirit of a favorite sister or close friend? (I converse with live people’s spirits all the time).
Whoever it is, do a meditation where you provide the sign that allows you to recognize them (it can be anything from hearts, to smiley faces, roses or feathers or offers of support. And don’t limit how you will recognize them. For example, if the rose is on someone’s jewelry, or in a painting, it is still a rose.)
Whoever it is for you, I invite you to start a dialog. Write down an opportunity you would like insight around.
You are being vulnerable here.
Realize that help is always there for all of us.
Stay awake and aware to the answers.