Intuition helps you make spiritually-aligned decisions, protects you from danger, acts as your inner doctor and helps you live your best life. That is one reason why I created the Lumin8 Healing Oracle – to help you develop your intuition.
What happens when you’ve lost touch with your intuition? Well, it can take you for a loop!
Here are 7 Signs that You’ve Lost Touch:
1. You feel confused often. You struggle to make good decisions and lack clarity. When you and your intuition are communicating regularly, you’ll find that a combination of your inner knowing and outer synchronicities team up to help you make decisions that steer you towards the highest good.
2. You lack flexibility. You may be so rigidly tied to a calendar that you ignore all the warning signs that tell you it’s time to cancel a commitment.
When you’re following your intuition, you have to be willing to go with the flow, which sometimes means changing your plans. While keeping your commitments is a sign of respect and responsibility, sometimes intuition requires you to say “no” when you previously said “yes.” And that’s ok.
3. You feel blindsided by people. You trusted him/her. He/She was your lover/ best friend! Then, BAM – Betrayal!…What happened? When you’re not tuned into your intuition, you may feel blindsided, as if you never saw betrayal coming. Intuition gives you red flags that can give you a heads up.
4. You wrestle with regret. When you’re out of touch with intuition, you’re making decisions from your mind/ego. Regret is a common side effect. Intuition helps you make regret-free decisions, because intuition is always doing its best to guide you in the direction of the greatest flow, integrity, and alignment with your soul’s journey.
5. You tend to be a chameleon. If you can chameleon yourself to be like your business partners during a board meeting, church goers on Sunday morning, committed parents at the PTA meeting, yoga devotees at yoga class, and like the party girl on Friday night, you may not be fully tuned into your intuition. It’s not that you can’t fit into many circles; it’s that when you’re following your intuition, there are no masks to wear. You are YOU, all the time, and unapologetic about it.
6. You dismiss your instincts as “irrational”. I can tell you for a fact- Intuition rarely feels rational. Last year I put a $1000 deposit on a year-long program I really wanted to participate in. One month later, I “intuited” I had to withdraw, (losing my deposit) but didn’t know why. Fast forward, 3 of the closest people to me died and as a result, I adopted my daughter’s parentless half-brother. I did not have the focus or wherewithal to honor the commitment the program required. When you ignore intuitive/irrational guidance, you miss the chance to be led to the most aligned jobs, relationships, transformative experiences, and opportunity to be someone else’s miracle.
7. You give your power away. When you’re not tuned into intuition, you’re far more likely to expect someone else to make your decisions, especially the critical ones.
When I was being treated for breast cancer, I was advised to take a medicine called Tomoxifen. My intuition gave me a “no”, and I am grateful I listened.
Someone who is not tuned into intuition will expect their doctor to make every decision. When someone is tuned into their intuition, they’d be more comfortable questioning “authority figures”.
One way to get your intuition back: The Lumin8 Healing Oracle Kit-n-Kaboodle. For only $150 thru January 15th you can get the deck, manual AND 7 week on-line program, here. Let your Intuition free!