The patriarchy has a long history of culturally conditioning us. There. I said it. Recorded history highlights more men than women who’ve made meaningful discoveries and changed the world - and you can bet dollars to donuts that cultural appropriation supported numerous “discoveries” by white …
You Are Here For a Reason.
And just when you think you’ve discovered it, it unfolds into a deeper more meaningful purpose. After presenting at SHiFT Charlotte last month, an audience participant, who after sitting through my presentation on “4-Way Healing”, asked how I could explain my experience with cancer. Like me, she …
Divination as Art
About 4 years ago, I started to randomly add crystals to my intuitive tarot readings. It was a random, intuitive thing because it was so simple and unique. In fact, I later realized could be offered as a “stand -alone” experience. When I decided to teach others how to include crystals in …
Crystal Healing
Since opening Curio, Craft & Conjure, I must admit to a renewed relationship with crystals. My love affair started in my teens, and you would be able to tell by just looking around my home that I am a “crystal hooker” – no loyalty to any particular one. I have even slept with certain crystals …
Creating Sacred Space with Crystals
Do you have an area in your home that is sacred to you? You may call it an altar, meditation room or the bathroom (if you have small kids!). I consider my whole house “sacred space”. IN my house, I have 3 places that are most sacred: My bedroomMy meditation room Our “altar …
7 Crystals for Luck
Happy St. Patty’s Day! Ready for a little luck? Fortunately, you don’t have to be Irish to be lucky! As quiet as it’s kept, “Luck” is something we can actually cultivate and create. I like Oprah’s definition of luck: “Opportunity meeting preparedness.” This list of my favorite high …
The 3rd Surrender: Allowing Source to Lead
We’ve all heard that there is a song called “Jesus take the wheel”. I’ve never heard it and it doesn’t even sound like a song I would even want to listen to, but there is wisdom in the title. During one of my “hell years”, I believed I was in “surrender”. But I wasn’t. That year, my goal …
The Second Surrender: Asking for Help
We are not alone. We often feel like we are… in relationships, or even in a room crowded with people. But we’re not. When I intuitively “tap into” people, I sense who’s around them. Very often, I sense: AngelsAncestorsSpirit GuidesAscended MastersOther-worldly beings. And we all have …
The First Surrender: Reaching Rock Bottom
Let’s face it, this is hardly a glamorous place, one often associated with drug and alcohol addiction. My personal addiction is control. Being a Futurist (not just for others but for myself too), I have been able to rely on my ability to see an outcome with great certainty. Except when I can’t. …
The Magick in the 3 Surrenders
I don’t know about you, but throughout my life, I believed that my soul’s to-do list was “finite” and that I would become a “finished product” (Healthy. Rich. Loved. Smart.) The reality is that my “to do list” is an endless journey of personal growth and discovery. The more I discover (and the …
A Best Practice for Giving a Great Reading
Have you ever had a reading when a psychic told you something that was totally off? It may just be that your reader was just not trained. I was working with one of my private clients on Tuesday, and we were blessed to experience a common mistake many psychics make, generally due to lack of …
The Gift of Clear-Seeing
When I do intuitive tarot readings, I start each reading with visioning. Whether someone is on the phone or face-to-face, I take a moment to peer into their energy for a big picture view, and then get details with my tarot cards. Sometimes I see the past, present or future, but mostly I …
Rattles: Not Just for Babies
I’ll never forget when my mother gave me a sterling silver rattle for my daughter when she was born. I’m not sure if my mother knew what the rattle did energetically, but by the time I gifted the rattle to one of my favorite people after she had her baby, I knew exactly why I was gifting …
7 Secrets to Coming Out of the “Psychic Closet”
I am going to admit something that may be a surprise to some: I thought there was only ONE closet to come out of. Since opening Curio, Craft & Conjure, I realize how wrong I was!! Many people have revealed to me that they had to come out of the closet to their parents. I totally get that… …
4 Awkward Psychic Moments
These are some of the “awkward moments” that can (and DO) pop up in readings. Those new to Intuitive work don’t know how to deal with this with ease and grace. I mean, seriously, how easy and graceful can it be to tell someone their husband is cheating on them? Over the years and with the …