Very often, when people decide they want to “do magick”, they get some witch book which walks them through some type of ritual for love, wealth or success. Then they gather their materials, and start a practice I call “Willy-Nilly Magick”. Can I say something? This is the worst and least …
Sensing Signs
Many of us have heard about staying “awake an aware” to the signs around us. How often do we consider, sensing signs? We receive information on numerous energy levels simultaneously, via thoughts, emotions, and sensations in our bodies, dreams, and ideas. If allowed, we can engage in constant …
4 Keys to Active Magick
Most of us have learned that when creating affirmations our words should be positive and present tense. The theory here is that our brain responds to this best. Underlying this fact, is our beliefs (usually around worth) needs “correcting” so that we can create new neural pathways to support our …
The BEST Intentions
I am finding a huge divide among people in the spiritual community these days. Some believe “Everything happens for a reason” and some believe “I am the reason why everything happens.” I am somewhere in the middle. Wanna know why? Basic religion indicates the “will of God” is always done. The …
4 Keys to Creating Meaningful Magick
Happy Sunday Beautiful! Have you ever worn “lucky socks” or use a “lucky charm” when you want things to go your way? Many people get weirded out by words like “spells”– but in the end, (for me – anyway), it’s all about personal rituals. Folks that follow certain spiritual paths may feel …
Netflix, Alcoholics & Spirits
I’ve been watching Shameless on Netflix – and it really got me thinking. The show (which is fantastic) is about a single father of 6 children (ages 1 – 20) and how their street smarts support them in spite of their narcissistic alcoholic father – who has a tendency to binge drink, lie and …
Learning Styles & Intuition
My Sun and I went to a school interview where the School Director looked him in the eye and asked him a very profound question: Do you know how you learn? The funny thing is that when he told her he did, and revealed his learning style, she marveled at the fact that he knew because most kids his …
Intuition & Responsibility
Last August, someone I trusted, who I invited into my house, stole from me. She didn’t steal anything huge, in fact - had she asked, I would’ve gladly given her what she took. At the time, I asked myself if I should give a heads-up to a mutual friend of “thief”. See, “mutual friend” was at a …
Divination. Oracles. Magick. Witches.
Looking at these words clumped together may leave some of us feeling uneasy, & others squealing with delight (I am the latter, in case you haven’t guessed). In January 2016 I posted something on Facebook about a bird flying into my house. I asked the group what they thought it …
Karma Yoga
Many see the path to enlightenment as some type of selfless service. I disagree. In fact, I believe we MUST be self-FULL in order to be authentic in our service. Anything that helps people can be considered “service” - which includes work you enjoy. “Karma Yoga” traditionally involves guiding …
Why Honor Your Ancestors?
When many people hear the word “ancestor reverence”, they instantly think of African or Asian cultures or (if they are more open minded) the blood relatives that they know of. In other traditions the word ancestor is more fluid. It includes the ancestors and spirit beings of water, air, fire, …
Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie were among my favorite shows growing up, Today, they help demonstrate a valuable lesson to my students. Both characters in these shows (“Jeannie” and “Samantha”) worked their magick often, and did something “special” to “turn their magick on”. Samantha wiggled her …
What’s UP with you, lately?
Yup. This was a real question someone asked me. My friend noticed that my emails & topics are little more “woo”. For some reason, she interprets the word “Magick” with “the dark”. Fortunately, I didn’t take it personally and banish her from my Queendom ;o) I did recognize a beautiful teaching …
Candle Magick (or “Setting Lights”)
When I was in my late teens, I moved in with my best friend (who I met in college) and his family. Mario’s Mom, Mama Rosa was a loving woman who welcomed everyone. In typical Dominican style, she always had enough food for an army cooking on the stove and neighbors would come and go, making …
5 Elements to an Ancestor Altar
I didn't grow up with an altar in my home, but unconsciously created one in the first apartment that I lived in by myself. I’ll never forget my mother who, while visiting, noted that my window altar called in the four directions. At the time, my altar simply had 4 glasses of water in different …