So…I am having lunch with my friend (a former student who now has her own thriving business) and I shared my most exciting secret: I was able to secure author Sasha Graham for Lumin8 Charlotte, my annual “Educational FunRaiser” that helps people with cancer. She had never heard of her, so I shared …
Modern Day Slavery
Slavery can be recognized by a feeling of separation, lack, powerlessness and low self-worth. Many of us have embraced (and even unconsciously teach our children) to live in the “slave-mentality field of contradictions”: We may want to express ourselves creatively, but crunch numbers in a cubicle …
How Common Sense can help Your 6th Sense
In the metaphysical community there is often a lot of talk about being “right brained” or “left brained”, or more “intuitive” than “analytical”, as if one is better than the other. What if I told you that your 5 senses can often lead you to discover intuitive information? For many of us, it …
The Method to My Magick
My intention for 2018 is to bring more magick into people’s lives. So, in this newsletter, I will introduce you to my approach to magick. “Setting intentions” is very different from “setting goals”. And after the last two (trying) years, I learned the value of counting blessings over counting …
Spotting Synchronicity
After her tarot reading, Sydney (who was blown away by the accuracy of it) asked: “How did you do that? How are you able to get so much information about me from cards.” So, I told her a little about synchronicity, which she then countered with: “Oh – you mean coincidences.” "Ok – Sydney," I said. …
unlock the door to your intuition
The last 50 days of 2017 I offered my A-List the opportunity to get intuitive tarot readings at 50% off my regular price….and I did a lot of readings! (Not on my list? Be sure to sign up to get exclusive offers that I don't post on my website!) While reading a new client, Rashad, he admitted having …
The healing that came with the flu
So, about a month ago, I had the final breast reconstruction surgery in my long healing process that started back in June 2017. I didn’t make it a big public deal, I thought it would be a quick-easy–peasy kinda thing. But it wasn’t. Now, my guidance knew I was in for a ride, and informed me to …
Happy New Year!
How do you bring in the New Year? Typically, I like a quiet, solitary New Year’s Eve. I’ll create a list of what I learned in the previous year, then, a vision board (which creates my visual and emotional intention for the year), while listening to music and having a glass of cava. Then, I go to …
The Four Agreements has it wrong
The Four Agreements has it wrong. One of The Four Agreements (by Don Miguel Ruiz) is not to take anything personally. I totally disagree. See – I believe that everything we notice is The Universe speaking to us, and that learning how to see thorough “God’s glasses” we can discover the …
New Year, New Skill
So, as I am preparing for the New Year with my 7 Day Energy Detox Program, folks have asked me the most obvious question: “What are you creating space for in 2018?” To be honest, my last 2 years did NOT go as planned, so as opposed to going with detailed specifics, I am going with “intention”. One …
Drop it like it’s hot!
Remember I said to keep an eye out last week? Well, if you are reading this, you’ve got some clearing to do. (If you are NOT reading this – you definitely have some clearing to do!) The type of clearing I’m talking about is energetic. It is time to lovingly let go. Again. Cuz let’s face it: You …
Very Cool Attention/Intention Exercise
This is the time of year when I circle back to last year to see what I’ve accomplished on my 2017 Goal list. Needless to say, my attention was averted this year. That said there were things I did manage to accomplish. I tell the women in my Enlightened Business Bootcamp that “goals are your …
The Thing Under Your Emotions
I can’t tell you how many people compliment me for bravery, courage, strength and positivity after the losses of the last 2 years. I am flattered and grateful…and most of all, I’m human. I’ve had my (many) moments of “WTF”? “Why all of this?” Moments of extreme sadness. I miss my parents, …
Why focus on the bad stuff?
I have decided to move my emails to you to Sunday’s…It is my favorite day of the week... the day I sleep in, read, cook and often stay in my pj’s. I am grateful for slow, easy, food smells and music Sunday’s. What are YOU grateful for? We all know that we “should’ focus on gratitude, but many …
How to Access the Power of Co-Creation
No one has to “wake up” in order to be a “co-creator” in her/his life. We are all co-creating weather we’re “woke” or not! Awakening, however makes consciously creating more consistent. Living under the influence of past trauma, negative self-talk, addiction, suffering or feeling trapped in …