Numerology is the art and science of understanding the spiritual significance of numbers.
It is believed that when number codes are understood, you can then have a personal relationship with the intelligence of the universe.
The date 2/22/22 is packed with the number 2. The number 2 represents peace, balance, partnerships, harmony, and agreements. It also holds power over situations and is very intuitive. When 2/22/22 are added together, it produces 10 – which reduces to 1. The number 1 is about independence, ambition, and new beginnings. That makes 2/22/22 the perfect day for workings that relate to turning over a new leaf and embracing peace and balance in your life.
Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same forward and backward.
Palindrome dates are perfectly balanced – and great times for performing rituals that support more harmony, peace, and balance in your life.
This date also opens a portal to fresh, vibrant energy. Much like there are certain times when the veil between worlds is said to be thin, palindromic dates offer their own unique “power-portal.”
If you feel scattered, disorganized, or as if some aspects of your life are draining your energy, place a blue or white 7- day candle in your ritual space. Find a moment of peace and calm, light the candle, and pray to your guardian spirits to help restore peace to your life.
The color brown is also associated with balance, especially as it relates to grounding. If you have a specific area that you wish to bring into balance, you can also carve your needs into the wax of a brown jumbo candle and dress it with our Curio Crafted Blessing Oil. Light the candle, and ask your ancestors, spirits, and deities for their assistance.
Time is also something to consider when doing your rituals. 2:22 pm is a great time to perform your rituals on 2/22/22.
If all is well in your world, use this time to reaffirm your commitment to your health, family, or spiritual life. Daily life often causes us to lose the delicate balance between these things. Perform a small ritual to re-dedicate yourself to any area of your life that you have been neglecting. Anoint yourself with your favorite spiritual oil (or one related to your specific needs), make an offering to your deities and guardians, and affirm your dedication out loud. Consider carrying, wearing, or meditating with crystals like Larimar, Celestite, Angelite, or Peruvian Turquoise to help you maintain this balance.
Take advantage of this beautiful time to reclaim your power, bring peace into your life, and harmonize your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical self.