While meditating the other day, a dark figure loomed over me. A cold smile bared sharp teeth. At first I was shocked, and then as “it” talked, I realized it was an aspect of myself. My Shadow side. This Shadow was showing me an aspect reflected in each of us, where we turn our heads the other …
Why Some “have it all” – And You Don’t
Contrary to what many believe, abundance is not just about having money. I know many rich people who suffer in their personal lives. I remember a time in my life when I had everything I thought I wanted — a beautiful house, a beautiful family, an amazing joint income with my husband and the …
The New School of Thought
I LOVE Melinda. Melinda is one of my current clients. Like many of my clients – her gifts are awe inspiring. Melinda is an Intuitive Artist. Her readings come with the most beautiful paintings (You can check out her website here). Melinda is a very successful interior designer, but her …
Honoring Your Calling
Over the last couple of weeks, I taught classes on Plant Spirit Communication and The Art of Crystal Divination – (What a blast!) One thing was abundantly clear in both cases: More people are identifying themselves as healers than ever before. The irony here is that many of us are still …