Regardless of your specific practice - be it sound healing, Reconnective Healing, Reiki, Shamanism (to be clear, Shamans exist in cultures around the world), Root-work, energy work, or other forms of Magick - like it or not, ignorant folks perceive you as a Witch. I say ignorant – because they …
Best Witch Wishes
You may already be aware that the word "Witch" was weaponized by the Christian Church against Midwives, Healers, and Practitioners of the Old Ways - those who honored nature, the cycles of seasons, and the energies of the moon. The European inquisition was motivated by the male-dominated medical …
What is Magick?
For me, the definition of Magick is simple: Magick is the Art and Science of Influencing Change in Alignment with your specific intentions. Many think Magick is casting spells, performing rituals, carrying talismans, and creating brews to support healing, love, abundance, and more. In my …
Culture Clinging
A popular meme circulated on social media featuring a picture of Keanu Reeves and this message: “The truth is, The Matrix was a documentary.” I agree. In fact, I’ve noticed that there are 2 “camps” of people: Those who recognize “The Matrix” & want to leave its clutches.Those who don’t …
Healing Your Lineage
My parents died years ago, but my family has held on to the house they lived in. I recently went there to help clean it out and found myself pausing over every little thing to determine if it was “trash.” My parents had great art, beautiful furniture, and fine china - along with books, magazines, …
That Fall Feeling
I don’t know what part of the world you are in, but even though it has been hot as the hinges of hell in my neck of the woods, I’m starting to get that Fall feeling. To me, that feeling is heralded by more than the changing color of leaves. I feel it in the air and hear the song of the birds …
Your Brand of Manifesting Magick
Discovering your own brand of Magick allows you to define and create rituals that are most effective for you. While many assume that your astrological chart can give you a clue to your brand of Magick, there is more to it than that. As a double Scorpio with a Pisces Moon (and a natal chart …
A Year in Review
If 2020 was nothing else – it was definitely the year of the BIG REVEAL. What was revealed? The Ugly Hidden, systemic racism was exposed via the death of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor (and a host of others).Blatant racism was revealed through many of the followers of “45”.Unwanted …
Casting a Circle
If you’ve ever watched any of those “witchy” shows (Charmed, The Magicians, A Discovery of Witches, etc.), you’ll notice that it is pretty common for witches to “cast a circle.” “The circle” acts as protection from outside/unwanted energies – but “witches” aren’t the only ones who create a circle …
Your Altar – Your Sacred Space
When people reveal they are starting their spiritual journey in Curio, Craft & Conjure, they often ask for guidance in creating their altar. I find this odd because I know that if I were invited into their homes, I would find (at least) 2 altars they have already intuitively created. These …
Intuition Witch
The label “Witch” – is one that more and more people are getting comfortable with. Many – undeniably powerful and naturally gifted - remain uncomfortable with the term. For some, the word (and practices) of a “witch” is a fad. You know – black nail polish, gothic make-up, and sage (a common go-to …