Yes – 59 years ago TODAY, a beautiful, brown, wide-eyed Scorpion was born! I am proud of who she is, how she’s grown, and knowing (first-hand!) what she has survived, what she accomplished, and how much she has given others. I am grateful to BE her – IN FULL. Gone are the days of trying to fit …
The Magick & Science of Sacrifice
Rituals are moving prayers that include intention, emotion, action, and often, repetition. If you have been reading the last few newsletters, you may have already identified what you’d like to experience more of in your life. (If not – do so now!) You may have also identified what sacrifice …
The Magick of Letting Go
Let’s face it: Sometimes, “letting go” is just hard. In my work, I’ll often do readings for people who are stuck on the past. Be it a person, place, a lifestyle, or a job, fully grieving is the part of “letting go” that can either allow you to move on or keep you tethered to the past. Here’s …
Clues from Nature
In the last newsletter, I introduced the idea of communing with your Ancestors. While we all think of “blood relatives” when we think “Ancestors,” – I want to remind you that plants are, in fact, our oldest ancestors. For that reason, you should commune with plants! One of the most common things …
The Magick of Self-Care
Witchcraft and self-care are very personal practices that differ from person to person. At its core, self-care is less about luxury and more about our actions and efforts to take care of ourselves. This can be as simple as taking 15 minutes a day to meditate or saying "no" and supporting boundaries …
Inner Beauty Ritual
As I approach 60, I realize I have never felt more beautiful. Through life's ups and downs, I have released European beauty standards for my own brand of beauty. Gone are the days of relaxing and coloring my hair, trying to be a size 2, and all else ridiculously promoted in my former favorite …
Intention is EVERYTHING
In my last newsletter, I shared insight into how each astrological sign has its own influence on your Magick. The idea here is to ensure that your intentions are aligned with your desires. This insight may lead one to think that one cannot petition for “love” (more aligned with the …
Moon Magick
When clients make any purchase at Curio, Craft & Conjure, we put a Ritual Timing Guide in their bag – a free gift from us - which provides information on the best day of the week, time of day and moon phase to do certain rituals. Each day of the week is aligned with a certain planet, which …
We have all experienced the sense of urgency to “learn everything” and “move forward.” With that, we are often confronted with challenges and setbacks. When a situation, person, or thing appears to hold you back, remember that in this setback lays the blessing of an opportunity for a solution and …
Shadow Magick
Magick and Spirituality, contrary to popular belief – is not all "love and light." The truth is our "light" would not exist without our "dark". We all have a dark side. All of us – even the most "spiritual" have anger, bitterness, hate, and fear. To access this power, you have to go to those …
Casting a Circle
If you’ve ever watched any of those “witchy” shows (Charmed, The Magicians, A Discovery of Witches, etc.), you’ll notice that it is pretty common for witches to “cast a circle.” “The circle” acts as protection from outside/unwanted energies – but “witches” aren’t the only ones who create a circle …
Intuition Witch
As the political climate continues to intensify, we are discovering new clients at Curio Craft and Conjure who are either discovering (or turning back to) ritual in an effort to move through their lives with intention, purpose, and inner peace. We are all witness to those who cling to the dogma …
Who Are Your Ancestors?
Communing with the ancestors is nothing new. Many of us already do it, and many of us are being introduced to the concept. In either case, it is a beautiful way to gain the direction, guidance, insight, and support from those who love us unconditionally. But some of us believe the “ancestors” …
Back to School Ritual
I don’t know about you, but even as an adult, the “back to school” season invites a renewed focus for me. This ritual is offered to those of you who have at least ONE of these “symptoms.” Feel like the back to school season is synonymous with back to business.Have children and are dealing with …
Against Jealousy
Do you have “frienemies”? I describe “frienemies as people that are your friend but are also jealous of you for one reason or another. In my work, over the years, I have found that I have a lot of them. I don’t take it personally. These people are projecting their anger at me but are mad at …