We’ve all heard that there is a song called “Jesus take the wheel”. I’ve never heard it and it doesn’t even sound like a song I would even want to listen to, but there is wisdom in the title. During one of my “hell years”, I believed I was in “surrender”. But I wasn’t. That year, my goal …
The Second Surrender: Asking for Help
We are not alone. We often feel like we are… in relationships, or even in a room crowded with people. But we’re not. When I intuitively “tap into” people, I sense who’s around them. Very often, I sense: AngelsAncestorsSpirit GuidesAscended MastersOther-worldly beings. And we all have …
The First Surrender: Reaching Rock Bottom
Let’s face it, this is hardly a glamorous place, one often associated with drug and alcohol addiction. My personal addiction is control. Being a Futurist (not just for others but for myself too), I have been able to rely on my ability to see an outcome with great certainty. Except when I can’t. …
The Magick in the 3 Surrenders
I don’t know about you, but throughout my life, I believed that my soul’s to-do list was “finite” and that I would become a “finished product” (Healthy. Rich. Loved. Smart.) The reality is that my “to do list” is an endless journey of personal growth and discovery. The more I discover (and the …
Initiations & Alchemical Changes in YOU
There are key times on our life’s journey when we’re presented with opportunities for accelerated growth. At least that is what I like to think. And, as you may have guessed, I am going through one now. How about you? The Universe creates a variety of “opportunities” for alchemical growth, where …
Allow, Surrender, Trust
Not too long ago, (and I honestly can tell you, I have no idea when or what I was doing) – I suddenly had the worst headache, EVER.) And what I CAN remember is that Sun-son was with me. Concerned..he simply put his hands over my head and (intuitively) moved his hands around my head. Shortly …
The Third Surrender: Allowing Source to Lead
We’ve all heard that there is a song called “Jesus take the wheel”. I’ve never heard it, and it doesn’t even sound like a song I would even want to listen to, but there is wisdom in the title. During my “hell year”, I always believed I was in “surrender”. But I wasn’t. My goal to sell my …
The Second Surrender: Asking for Help
We are not alone. We often feel like we are… in relationships, or even in a room crowded with people. But we’re not. When I intuitively “tap into” people, I sense who’s around them. Very often, I sense: Angels Ancestors Spirit Guides Ascended Masters Other-worldly …