Throughout our lives, we’ll witness cycles within ourselves as we “descend” into our lower selves and then “ascend” into a perspective that supports our spiritual growth. These journeys carry stories of descent into betrayal, temptation, depression, and injustice. Our ruthless actions often come …
Spiritual Garbage Picking
As a store owner, I now get to go crazy in one of my secret addictions: Books. I come from a family of voracious readers, but it was my ex-husband who introduced me to the “self-help” category, leading me away sexy from chick-lit novels. Many of the books we carry at Curio, Craft & …
The Magick of Emotions
Years ago, when I was studying with one of my favorite teachers, I learned about the Emotion Constellation. She referred to it as it pertained to emotional “pockets of energy” that could get stuck in our energy fields and cause physical problems as well as problems in other areas of our …
The Love & Light Fraud
We all have our dark side – our shadow self that we keep hidden- often even from ourselves. For many – that dark side is simply part of their existence, and it is out there for all the world to see (thank you!) But there are many people in spiritual communities who “present” themselves as …
The Gold in Our Shadow
Our Shadow side is the dumping ground for the aspects of ourselves we don’t want to accept….that part of us that accumulates more energy than our ego - sometimes erupting as an overpowering rage. Jung believed that we are all born whole, but at some point, after “eating the fruit from the tree of …
Shadow Magick
Magick and Spirituality, contrary to popular belief – is not all "love and light." The truth is our "light" would not exist without our "dark". We all have a dark side. All of us – even the most "spiritual" have anger, bitterness, hate, and fear. To access this power, you have to go to those …
3 Surefire Ways to Bump up your Magick
Magick is a natural quantum phenomenon that can yield extraordinary results. Cookbook spell recipes are for those who want quick results without consideration of the actual energy behind their rituals. There are three surefire ways to bump up your Magick so that you can get effective …
A Year in Review
If 2020 was nothing else – it was definitely the year of the BIG REVEAL. What was revealed? The Ugly Hidden, systemic racism was exposed via the death of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor (and a host of others).Blatant racism was revealed through many of the followers of “45”.Unwanted …
A Practice for the Intuitive Water Witch
In the last newsletter of this 5 part series, you are invited to learn about a simple practice for an Intuitive Water Witch. Over this series of newsletters, you were able to determine what type of witch you are, and ways to honor your personal brand of magick. Because an Intuition Witch …
A Practice for The Intuitive Fire Witch
In the last few newsletters, you were able to determine what type of witch you are and ways to honor your personal brand of magick. Because an Intuition Witch follows no one, she is excited to easily discover and embrace her personalized practices with guidance - not ridged rules. In a recent …
A Practice for The Intuitive Wind Witch
An Intuition Witch follows no one. She discovers and embraces her personalized practices with guidance - not rules. Two newsletters ago, you took a brief test to determine your personal brand of magick. Discovering your personal brand of Magick allows you to define and create rituals that are …
Discovering Your Brand of Magick
When you discover your own brand of Magick, you will begin to define and create rituals that are most effective for you. An Intuition Witch follows no one. She discovers and embraces her personalized practices with guidance - not rules. So – How do you discover your brand of Magick? While …
Hoodoo Energies
You may have already noticed that at Curio, Craft & Conjure we are partial to Hoodoo. The reason for this is that Hoodoo is a balanced system based on energy. If you are mindful of energy and how it works, you can create just about any outcome with the most basic ingredients in your …
The Magick of Mugwort
Mugwort may be one of the most popular and powerful herbal tools in your magical tool kit. There are thousands of old spells and recipes that rely on its formidable power. Mugwort has a long history of magical use and is *generally very safe. The herb's botanical name is Artemisia vulgaris, …
Your Past Life
Ever wonder why you’re here? I don’t know about you, but I’ve pondered this time and time again. In Numerology your Soul Number holds the key to your true personality – the “you’ known only to you. If you believe in reincarnation, your soul number reveals hints of who you’ve been in …