As I move through this episode of cancer, 3 themes continue to pop up: Boundaries Responsibility Forgiveness In fact, the topic of “boundaries” birthed my whole fund raising campaign. In this e-mail, I want to look at responsibility and forgiveness. 2 True Stories: One morning, …
Family of Light
I am SO grateful. I know that everything that happens to me, happens for me. Recently, (before the re-diagnosis of cancer) I purchased an oracle called The Lightworker Oracle. This timely purchase at Sanctuary Imports (a beautiful store here in Charlotte) was in fact serendipitous. Each …
True Vision
“Racial profiling” is the word that describes an assumption that comes from looking a certain ethnicity (whether you are or not). “Character profiling” happens when people assume you are a “certain way”, because you look “a certain way”. For example, you may be perceived as a “good girl” if you …
Controlling Karma
People have a tendency to think that karma and justice are the same thing…like a balancing of scales with action/crime begets karma/punishment. If you work with tarot, astrology or numerology, you may already be aware of the changing tides of opportunity. Every new day you are hit with new …
6 Secrets of Time Travel
About two years ago, I was walking my dog and had an incredible experience. It was just a moment, but in that moment, I had a deep knowing of eternity. It was if time stood still. Then, just as suddenly, “time” shifted back. We’ve all experienced moments of deja-vu or sporadic time shifts. …
Blind Faith
I received a few questions about Remote Viewing after last week’s newsletter, so I want to be sure I answer them for everyone. In short, Remote Viewing is the ability to view any location, no matter how distant, in one’s mind simply by conscious intent. Remote Viewing is related to Clairvoyance …
The Power of Remote Viewing
8 years ago, I worked with first Intuitive Coach, Internationally renowned Clairvoyant, and author - Debra Lynne Katz. My 3 month training focused on Remote Viewing. At the time I was doing a lot of readings. One day, a client (I’ll call Jane), told me her 6 year old daughter had been acting …
How do you know?
I just got off the phone with my friend Bindu, who asked for advice around a work opportunity. Oddly, she called just when I was writing this newsletter. After giving me all of the details, I simply asked “How does it feel to you?” See- Even if you don’t think you have an intuitive bone in …
News (HOT) Flash!
I’m experiencing full blown menopause symptoms (READ: Hot flashes) catapulted by the series of unfortunate events last year. Unbeknownst to many – grief triggers menopause. Welcome to my world. :o/ Menopause naturally leads women into themselves to embrace the change and hear the voice of our …
Dirt: Good for Your Heart
As a little girl of about 9, I spent the summer in Jamaica with family friends. Not only did I come home with a Jamaican accent (that my sister’s still taunt me about to this day) I also came home with a big gash on my foot from running around with no shoes on. Each member of the family I …
What does it mean to hold space?
When my partner died last August, naturally, I was a mess. I will never forget my daughter entering my room, where she saw I was still in bed…and then she realized I was crying. She came over to the bed, got under the covers, and held me as I wept. Holding Space comes in many forms. Essentially, …
10 Teachings from My Ancestors
Like many of you, my lineage stems across continents and races. My family has many unspoken tenants that, truth be told, I haven’t always lived by. Recently, I resurrected them. There is also a prayer I found in the book Mutant Message Down Under about 20 years ago. Over the years I tweaked it …
7 Significant Ways to Save Yourself
I was fortunate to have a mother who was also a strong role model. In 1966, when she was exhausted by her unhappy marriage, she packed her 5 daughters and a picnic basket, and told my father she was “taking the girls on a picnic”. We never went back. This was MY role model. And this is my …
5 Ways the Spirit of Your Business will Guide You
You may have already heard this, but in case you haven’t: What you do for a living has it’s own life. If you have a business, your business is alive. And you know how sometimes you are indecisive in life? Well, its like this with you and the Spirit of your business…sometimes you are just not in …