Happy Sunday! If you follow us on Instagram or Facebook, you may have noticed that I often suggest expressing gratitude to the Spirit of whatever “tool” you are using. Be it any of the elements, crystals, herbs – even your tarot deck—I suggest starting whatever ritual you are about to embark on …
Celebrate Your Love
Did you ever watch the movie “Under the Tuscan Sun?” It’s one of my favorite romantic comedies. Not only was the acting perfect, but the story was so relevant to all of us. I haven’t seen the movie since it first came out in 2003, but I recall that the main character, Diane Lane, …
On Love Magick
Love is in the air! Can you feel it? This is the time of year when folks come into Curio, Craft & Conjure for all of their romantic needs. This month, we will dedicate each newsletter to Love <3, so we will start with guidelines and build from there. As tempting as it is to go crazy …
Sickroom Clearing
In our Instagram posts, we have been focusing on the theme of “clearing” this month (follow us for daily inspiration @curiocraftconjure) - which brings me to a ritual you can perform to help yourself or others when sick. Sickroom Clearing is a practice you can do for yourself or anyone you share …
The Magick of Camphor
We have many items at Curio, Craft & Conjure that people are curious about but afraid to ask. No one knows “everything” so please feel free to ask questions when visiting us at the store or on social media. We are all avid learners at Curio (we often learn new things from our clients!) - and …
The Evil Eye
Happy Sunday! Have you ever asked yourself (or anyone else) what exactly is "the evil eye"? This newsletter addresses that question and, more importantly, how to remove it. It is important to note that the evil eye is not the same thing as a jinx, curse, or spell. Spells are targeted …
Hands-On Hoodoo
Tik-tok! At midnight, Thursday, August 24th, your opportunity to access Hands-On Hoodoo for only $97 – and save $500 will expire. Here is where you can sign up and get access (reminder: the promo code is 500OFF). Yesterday, I said I would share my favorite lesson, so here it is - Lesson 7 …
Learn How to Create Your Own Magick
Yesterday, I emailed an exclusive invite to experience Hands-On Hoodoo for only $97 with promo code 500OFF. This opportunity provides $500 off the normal price of $597 and is only available until midnight on August 24th – just a few days away. I also offered a little history on Hoodoo and …
Hoodoo at Home
Last month, we offered Hands-On Hoodoo, a course on my site for $597 for only $97. I received several emails asking questions about Hoodoo itself, so I am sending a series of emails this week to give you more insight into the practice (complete with money-making rituals) and extend this offer to …
Everyday Magick
I recently have been dealing with a major issue that I needed clarity on. I’ve realized there is a single “truth” in all our lives that we don’t allow ourselves to see. Enough about ME. Whatever YOUR issue is, the truth will provide the clarity you crave. Many people never see the truth simply …
Practical Magick for People in a Hurry – Part 3
The one thing I’ve learned about being an entrepreneur is that it invites you to be your authentic self – IF you allow it. Authenticity is scarce among those in traditional workspaces - and for good reason: If you don’t blend, you lose your job. Here’s what I know: Blending steals your …
Practical Magick for People in a Hurry-Part 2
I am very proud of creating a life that has allowed me to work for myself for over 12 years. It hasn’t always been easy, but I have gained a reputation that establishes me as an authority in my field – which is what being an entrepreneur is all about. My 20-year-old self couldn’t imagine doing …
Practical Magick for People in a Hurry- Part 1
Happy Sunday! I remember when I worked for “the man,” I didn’t like Sundays because Monday was headed my way. Those of us who work for ourselves know the blessings and burdens of self-employment. When I first came out of the psychic closet, I thought I would just do readings for a living. …
The Pre-Tarot-Reading-Ritual that Creates Increased Accuracy
I have a powerful ritual I perform before every tarot reading. This ritual supports the accuracy of my readings. A few years ago, I started incorporating this ritual into my readings because the (preliminary) information I got before creating the tarot spread was so powerful it added value to the …
Thinking & Practicing Out of the Box
Our culture (as Americans) tends to shove all kinds of “standards” down our throats. …Or is there? It takes many of us time to consider thinking outside of the standards set before us. Yet, all of these are questionable. For example, the religious zealots that park outside my storefront …